Ayurvedic Beauty Tips –  For Fair & Glowing Skin

Our health, well-being, and vitality begin with the natural balance of our constitution (Prakriti), so living according to the principles of Ayurveda means that we must try to keep the 3 doshas in harmony every day.

Keeping doshas in harmony can protect these elements that constitute them. When this happens our radiance and natural beauty arise to the surface of our physical body.

Nutrients and toxins resulting from the interaction of the psychobiological forces of our body (the doshas) travel through the Rasa dhatu (plasma) and can affect any organ, but the skin is the most visible. The skin is the largest organ in our body, capable of feeling and reflecting the state of our general health.

What kind of skin do you have?
  • Vata Skin: It is thin, cold, dry, and rough.
  • Pitta skin: It is moist, hot, sensitive, and prone to irritation and rashes.
  • Kapha skin: It is thick, moist, cold, oily, and congested (clogged pores).

If your skin is Vata type: You must nourish and hydrate, and avoid alcohol, theine, and caffeine that dehydrate you.

If your skin is Pitta type: You should refresh it, stay away from the sun, and avoid spicy and fermented food.

If your skin is Kapha type: You must tone and revitalize, look for astringent (apple) and bitter (spinach) foods and avoid processed and sweet food products.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Tips For Glowing Skin
  1. Drink warm water:Ideally, drinking water should be in small sips during the daytime. Regular drinking of warm water can raise your body temperature, which helps a body to release toxins, and so prevents the growth of acne. The expert suggests that an adult must drink eight 8-ounce glasses (about 2 liters or a half-gallon) of water daily.
  2. Eat bitter and astringent foods:All fruits and vegetables that help keep your liver healthy are ideal for your blood to remain clean and therefore also your skin. For example all green leafy vegetables.
  3. Be sure to evacuate every day:According to Ayurveda, evacuate of 2 times a day are ideal. Maintaining a healthy intestinal transit is key to the absorption of nutrients and prana. You can help yourself with plums, warm water, fiber, and potatoes. It can increase the earth’s elements and the size of the faeces.
  4. Get used to doing self-massage:Especially in the fall-winter season, warm almond oil if you are Vata, coconut if you are Pitta, and mustard if you are Kapha. It can help you lubricate and nourish not only your skin but your organs in-depth; in the long term, they tone and revitalize your body tissues.
  5. Have a light dinner and if possible before sunset. Ayurveda is a system that was born from the connection with the cycles of nature, so our vitality depends on our knowing how to live adapted to the seasonal changes and in connection with the cycles of the sun. If you eat late your body will not be able to digest these foods, which will produce (ama) toxins.
  6. Sleep every day at the same time. Establishing a fixed time to go to sleep and getting up guarantees healthy sleep patterns over time. Remember that it is during the night that our body detoxifies and repairs itself.
  7. Positive thinking every day:It is also most important that you keep positive thoughts every day, you can rely on gratitude, recognizing the blessings around you daily, or in daily affirmations. The important thing is that you feel those thoughts through emotion so that that energy that comes from your self-love brings you a glow from within. When you feel free, strong, and vibrant you are radiant and in connection with your life purpose.
  8. Physical activity and meditation:Move your body, perform physical activity, drink plenty of water, consume herbal infusions, and take your time a day to breathe, meditate and practice yoga or other related practices. That will not only keep your spirit and mood more jovial but also end up having a favorable impact on your skin.
How To Get Glowing Skin Naturally?

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine always has natural answers for all kinds of problems you may have. This ancestral wisdom can also help your skin look flawless.

Of course, beauty is not something left aside in Ayurvedic practices. If, for example, you want your skin flawlessly, you can find many ways to have a radiant complexion.

People might wonder which Ayurvedic medicine is best for glowing skin. Below you will find a series of ways that can be great to keep your skin healthy.

  1. To combat acne and exfoliate your skin:If you want to put into practice a good exfoliating trick and suitable for removing pimples do not hesitate to mix sandalwood and turmeric powder in equal parts. Add water, mix until it forms a paste, and then massage your complexion with this preparation, cleaning with warm water once about 15 minutes have passed since you have applied it. Both elements are key in Ayurvedic medicine.
  2. Coconut milk to nourish your skin:Coconut milk is one of the fundamental elements of Ayurveda and its essential oils; you can keep your perfect, nourished, and super soft skin. Also, for skins with a tendency towards dryness. The element derived from coconut can come to you wonderfully it is the oil of this same fruit.
  3. Eat seeds and nuts:Another Ayurveda tactic to nourish the skin efficiently is eating seeds. This is something interesting since these usually have a high content of omega 3 fatty acids, which never hurt and keep the skin in good shape. Consume sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds, flaxseeds, and nuts without fear.
  4. The use of aloe Vera:If you think that aloe vera was a matter of America or Europe, then you are wrong. It has always been used in Ayurveda for ages. It has properties that are indicated for the beauty of the skin and is the best.
  5. Avocado mask for dry skin: Mix a teaspoon of avocado pulp with a teaspoon of honey, add three drops of almond oil, and half a teaspoon of white clay. Mix well and apply on the skin (it is better to do it at night) for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water and then with cold water and apply the night cream.
  6. Turmeric mask for oily skin:Dissolve a teaspoon of turmeric with curd or dahi (make it as “natural” as possible) before making a paste. Curd or Dahi can be replaced by lemon juice. Apply the mask to the face, leave it on for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, and then apply your usual cream.
  7. Saffron mask for normal skin: Cook a small carrot when it is cooked mash it with a fork. The carrot puree is obtained, add the saffron, a little milk, and a pinch of white clay. Apply this warm mask before bedtime, leave it on for 20 min and then apply your night cream.
  8. Neem powder mask for acne-prone skin: Mix a teaspoon of neem powder with a few drops of lemon juice or rose water until you get a thick paste. Apply to face and leave on for 20 minutes, then perform a contrast wash.