
The Sweda or the sedation is given by using a bolus which is prepared by using wheat along with some medicines which are selected according to the condition of the disease and the patient is called Godhuma pinda Sweda.

Godhuma means Wheat and Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation.

Treatment procedure.

The treatment procedure is divided into three parts…

  • Purva Karma (pre-procedure)
  • Pradhana Karma (main Procedure)
  • Pashchat Karma (Post Procedure)

Purva Karma (Pre-procedure)

Selection of the patient:
The selection of the patient for this procedure depends on the diagnosis which is done with Astha vidha pareeksha (eight-fold examination) and Dashavidha Pareekshas (ten-fold examination) which is done by a qualified physician.

Selection of the medicine:-
A good variety of Godhuma (wheat) is selected and processed with other medicines which have the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of relieving pain, inflammation, and stiffness and also can rejuvenate and strengthen the joints and soft tissue.

This Godhuma is warmed with the help of medicated oils or without the oils which depend on the patient’s condition and by the yukti (intelligence) of the qualified doctor and then they are tied in a cloth in the form of a bolus.

Pradhana Karma (Main Procedure)

The person is made to lie on the droni. If Abhyanga(massage) is indicated it is performed for a 5- 10 minutes with medicated oil followed by sudation with Godhuma pinda sweda, where the bolus which is prepared with the godhuma is heated with the help of uruli(pan) and sudation is given to the entire body or locally as per the condition of the patient.

Pashyat Karma(Post-procedure)

After the treatment, the person is advised to take rest for 5- 10 minutes.

Treatment Duration

30 TO 45 MIN

Mode of Action of Godhuma Pinda Sweda

The mode of action in Godhuma Pinda Sweda depends on the ingredients which are used for the treatment. Godhuma (Triticum spp.) is the main ingredient that contains multiple vitamins such as Vitamin B complex (Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5. B6, B9), vitamin E K, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, sodium, and Zinc which are having good nutritional values. When Godhhuma is added in the form of medicine, as a main ingredient for the treatment, the active ingredients of the medicine will reach into circulation with the help of Swedana.

The mode of the action takes place when Godhuma Pinda (bolus of medicinal Godhuma) is patted over the skin. As the skin is a large and highly complex organ with rich sebaceous and sweat glands, an extensive network of blood vessels and its branches, and sensory receptors that monitor touch, pressure, temperature, and pain, here both nourishing and excretion effects take place with a single treatment.

While the procedure is being carried out, the heat produced by the medicated bolus and because of the medicinal effect, the temperature will increase to more than 2 to 3in all areas of the body, and vasodilatation takes place. As a result of vasodilatation, an increased flow of blood through the area occurs so that the necessary oxygen and nutritive materials are supplied and toxins are removed. The active ingredients of medicinal herbs help to act as muscle relaxants and reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Pranava Kerala Ayurveda Clinic carefully selects the ingredients that are organic, authentically sourced, and free of pesticides.


  • Stiffness in the joints
  • Joints Swelling
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Pain in the joints
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis