
Dhanyaka pinda sweda (Dhanyaka kizhi) is a specialized therapy that is performed for the diseases related to Bones, joints, muscles, and nerves associated with inflammation, swelling, and stiffness (catch).

Dhanyaka means a group of grains, Pinda means a bolus and Sweda means Fomentation or sudation

The swedana karma or sudation therapy which is given using a bolus that is prepared by the combination of different dhanyaka is called Dhanyaka kizhi.

This procedure is unique, specified under Ruksha Sweda.


  • Dhanyaka kizhi increases the peripheral blood supply.
  • It relieves body ache and strengthens muscles and skin.
  • Reduces the inflammation of the joints
  • It acts as a muscle relaxant and relieves joint stiffness
  • It is also a good technique for relaxation and relieving stress.
  • It has detoxifier properties for the skin, removes the toxins through the pores of the skin, and lowers the tendency of skin diseases.

Treatment Duration

30 TO 45 MIN

The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Treatment Course Duration

7 days, 14 days, 21 days

The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Mode of Action of Dhanyaka Kizhi

The therapeutic action of Dhanyaka kizhi is because of the following

  • The pharmacological action of herbal drugs used in the therapy.
  • Therapeutic action of the procedure.
  • Sudation, which is performed in the therapy.

Skin is a large, highly complex, and structurally integrated organ. The component of the skin is the cutaneous membrane associated with hairs, nails, and exocrine glands. The cutaneous membrane has two components, i.e. superficial epithelium or epidermis and the underlying connective tissue of the dermis.

When the procedure starts, due to the pharmacological action of the medicine and because of the increased temperature vasodilatation happens all over the body. As a result of vasodilatation, an increased flow of blood through the area occurs so that the necessary oxygen and nutritive materials are supplied and toxins are removed. The active ingredients of medicinal herbs help to act as muscle relaxants and reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Because of the increased blood supply the metabolism increases and as a result, the output of free radicals which are responsible for the disease is removed from the skin cells and helps to nourish the skin.

This therapy produces a sudation effect and because of the medicinal action and temperature, the thermal stimulus may affect the pain sensation and relieves the stress, and induces good sleep.

It also induces muscle relaxation and increases the efficiency of muscular action as the increased blood supply ensures the optimum condition for muscle contraction.


  • Shotha (swelling)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Muscular spasm
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Lumbar spondylitis
  • Paralysis
  • Sprains and cramps