
Administration of the medicines through the nasal route is known as Nasya. As this is the nearest root, the disease related to the head and neck is best treated by this procedure.

Shirovirechana, Shirovireka, and Murdhavirechana are the other names of this procedure.

Depending upon the composition of the herbs used in the medication as well as variation in the pharmacological action the Nasya is classified into different types.

Types Of Nasya Karma

  • Navana Nasya
  • Avapidana Nasya
  • Pratimarsha Nasya
  • Dhmapana Nasya


  • Prevention of eye diseases
  • Prevention of ear diseases
  • Prevention of nasal diseases
  • Healthy hairs
  • Provide strength to the scalp
  • Provide happiness
  • Improves voice
  • Improves senses
  • Helpful in curing Rhinitis, and sinusitis.
  • Delayed aging
  • Pleasant oral smell
  • Give strength to teeth, head, and neck region
  • Helpful in grey hairs

Treatment Duration

30 TO 45 MIN

(Which includes Abhyanga, Swedana, Nasya Karma, Dhumapana, Gandusha)

The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Treatment Course Duration

7 days, 14 days, 21 days

The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Mode of Action of Nasya Karma

Before the Nasya karma sthanika, abhyanga (localized sedation) is given which helps in stimulation of vasodilator nerves which are spread out on the superficial surface of the face, this increases the blood circulation to the brain

Keeping the head in a lowering position and retention of medicine in the nasopharynx help in providing sufficient time for local drug absorption

When the nasya dravya is administered through the nasal cavity, the drug gets observed by the passive process across the cell wall directly through the cell membrane as lipid-soluble medicine has greater passive absorption.

Then the later Trans version may be carried through capillaries and veins which stimulates the Olfactory nerve which is connected with the higher centers of the brain like the limbic system, basic ganglia, and hypothalamus which intern stimulates the endocrine and nervous system.


  • Neurological disorders
  • ENT and Ophthalmic disorders
  • Headaches
  • Acne
  • Pigmentation
  • Hair fall
  • Spondylitis
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Psychological disorders
  • Diseases of the mouth
  • Sleeplessness
  • Stress
  • Frozen shoulder