
Hanu vasti is a specialized Ayurvedic therapy used to treat various ailments likeMusculoskeletal disorders Pain and stiffness, inflammation in the Temporal- mandibular joint, Myofascial pain, Fibromyalgia, Hypo mobility of the jaw joint, Disc bulge, Neurological disorders, etc.

“Hanu” means Temporal (Jaw) region and “vasti” means “that which holds”. Hanu Vasti is a procedure in which the specified medicated oil is retained for a stipulated period in the temporal region by creating a wall using black gram flour. It is done byone if required two qualified therapists to the specific area of the temporal region with the help of medicated oil systematically prescribed by an Ayurvedic consultant.


  • Relieves the stiffness of tempero-mandibular joint
  • Helps to reduce ear pain
  • Helps with dental problems
  • Nourishes the facial muscles and nerves

Treatment Duration

This procedure is performed for 30 TO 40 MIN

The treatment duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Treatment Course Duration

7 days, 14 days

The treatment course duration depends on the consulting physician and the severity of the condition.

Mode of Action of Hanu Vasti

The therapeutic action of Hanu Vasti depends on

  • The pharmacological Action of the selected medicine.
  • The snehana (obligation) effect.
  • The swedana (sudation) affect
  • The maintained temperature during the procedure

The temporal region of the head includes the temporal-mandibular joint, the muscles, and ligaments that surround and support it. The temporal-mandibular joint is made articulation between the mandible (facial bone) and temporal bone (cranial bone) When the treatment procedure starts, the first organ which will be in contact with the medicine is the skin. Skin is a large, highly complex, and structurally integrated organ. The component of the skin is the cutaneous membrane associated with hairs, nails, and exocrine glands, the cutaneous membrane has two components, superficial epithelium or epidermis and the underlying connective tissue of the dermis.

The quality of the skin is supported by an extensive network of blood vessels, and sensory receptors that monitor touch, pressure, temperature, and pain. The
temporal-mandibular region is surrounded by nerves, connective tissues, muscles, and spinal segments.

Our body is made up of different types of cells and each cell membrane is made up of Phospholipids, lipid-soluble substances that can easily cross the cell membrane because of this the base of the medicine which we use is in lipid form (medicated oils) As the procedure starts, the medicated oil cross the cell membrane through the skin, and the functions of phospholipids will increase and act as a carrier for various cellular elements or impurities which are responsible for the formation of diseases, The Luke warm oil will increase the temperature to more than 2 to 3c in the localized area, by which vasodilatation will happen. As a result and the blood circulation will increase and necessary oxygen and nutrition materials are supplied. Thus the free radicals which are responsible for the disease will be removed. Thereby it nourishes the muscle, bone, and nerve, and cartilage lubricates the joint and prevents the delegation of the joint.


  • Pain and stiffness in the temporomandibular area
  • Hypo mobility of the joint
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Disc bulge
  • Myofascial pain
  • Neurological disorders