Botanical Name

Tinospora Cordifolia




Amrita, Guluchi, Jivantika, Jwaranashini, Kaphadani, Rasayani, Vataraktari



Giloy, Gulbel, Guluncha


Gudoochi, Amrithaballi, Madhuparni, Agniballi


Cittamrtu, Amrita, Citamardoo, Citamerdu


Guduchi, Guluchi, Guricha, Jivantika, Madhuka, And Tellatippatige


Amridavalli, Amudam, Asasi, Kaippuchindil, Kunali


Gul-Bel, Guloe, Ambarvel, Gharol


Guluchi available in india, srilanka and bangladesh. It is often cultivated and sometimes often cultivated as ornamental and is easily propagated by stem cuttings. It is preferable suited to and grows well in almost all types of soil and under varying climatic conditions.

Parts Used



Kwath 50 – 100 Ml, Churna 3gm To 6 Gm, Satva (Extract) 1 To 2 Gm

Chemical Constituents

There are many chemical contents in guduchi such as tinosporine, tinosporon, tinosporic acid, palamrine, berberine, giloin, giloinisin, unosporin, cordifolon

Ayurvedic Properties

Quality (Guna)

Guru, Snigdh

Taste (Rasa)

Tikt, Kashay

Metabolism (Vipaka)


Potency (Virya)

Ushna (Hot)

Impact (Prabhava)


Pharmacological Action

  • Amrit acts as nectar for cardiac ailments as it is having cardioprotective property
  • Guduchi is having multiple pharmacological actions like its hypoglycaemic activity helps to control diabetes
  • Guduchi’s antibacterial activity and antimicrobicidal helps to prevent bacterial infections
  • Anti pyretic activity of guduchi controls almost all types of fevers
  • Anti-inflammatory property of guduchi extracts are used to treat various hematological problems
  • Antiarthritic property of amrita helps to treat arthritis
  • Amrita’s anti allergic property helps to prevent allergies and boosts immunity
  • As guduchi is having hepatoprotective, antidiabetic, antitumor, and antioxidant actions, it is useful in maintaining proper metabolism
  • Guduchi is effective drug and works as analgesic and hence used in inflammation and as natural pain killer and it is also used as immunosuppressive drug
  • Its antistress activity helps to prevent stress

Therapeutic Uses

  • Tridosha-shamak property of guduchi is helpful to treat all ailments
  • Anti allergic properties of guluchi is helpful to treat skin disorders and cough
  • Rasayana properties of guluchi is helpful to improve strength and vigour when it is taken in the form of medicine
  • Anti-pyretic property helps to manage fever
  • Antimcibicidal property of guluchi helps in preventing urinary tract infection, gout, and abdominal disorders

Some of the common formulations

  • Amrita ghrita
  • Amritarishta
  • Aragvadhadi kvath churna
  • Chandraprabha vati
  • Narasimha churna
  • Panchtikta ghrita
  • Sarasvatarishta
  • Sarivadyasava