Botanical Name |
Withania Somnifera (Linn.) Dunal. |
Family |
Solanaceae |
Sanskrit |
Ashwagandha, Varahakarni, Vajigandha, Varahika, Varahakarni |
English |
Winter Cherry |
Hindi |
Aswagandh, Punir. |
Kannada |
Aswagandha. |
Malayalam |
Ammukuram. |
Telugu |
Paneru. |
Tamil |
Ammukuram. |
Marathi |
Aasandh, Dorgunj. |
Ashwagandha is one of the important herb used widely in ayurvedic medicinal preparations, and it is also called as indian ginseng, which helps to improve aphrodisiac nature in both male and females.
Generally Found All Over In India, Very Much Potential Seen In Water Fronts.
Parts Used |
Roots And Leaves |
Dose |
Churna 3 – 6 Gm, Kshar 1 – 2 Gm, Arishtam: 30 Ml. |
Chemical Constituents
- Active ingredients of ashwagandha’s stem and root contains alkaloids (tikta-bitter principle) called as tropine, cuscohygrine.
- Leaves contain steroidal lactones with anolides, withaferin a.
- Leaves
Ayurvedic Properties
Quality (Guna) |
Light And Slimy Nature. |
Taste (Rasa) |
It Is Bitter And Pungent In Taste. |
Metabolism (Vipaka) |
Madhura Or Sweet. |
Potency (Virya) |
Hot Potency |
Impact (Prabhava) |
Rasayana |
Pharmacological Action
- Extracts of ashwagandha contains rich antioxidants, iron, tannins, glucose, and some steroidal alkaloids such as somnine, anferine, withanolides which are naturally safe to use in the form of medications.
- Hypotenive, bradycardiac, cardiotropic, cardipprotective of ashwangandha helps to improve cardiac functioning.
- Respiratory srimulant property of ashwagandha helps regulate respiratory functionality.
- Antibacetrial property of ashwangandha helps to treat skin complaints.
- Hypothermic, immunosuppressive, adaptogenic, antistress, anticonvulsant,psychotropic, antioxidant, properties are helpful to treat manasika vikaras orPsychosomatic Disorders.
- Antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, analgesic, antipyretic, antiviral, antiarthritic, sedative, anticoagulant, antiageing, cytoprotective properties of ashwagandha helps to fight against inflammation.
Therapeutic Uses
Aswagandha pacifies vitiated or excess vata in body and acts as nervine tonic and helps to cure general body weakness, impotency, helps to improve libido, oligospermia, and arthritis. The useful parts or roots and leaves, and the roots are aphrodisiac and stimulants, widely used in rejuvenate the body, also acts as immune booster, it is used in treating vertigo also.
Some Of The Common Formulations
- Ashwagandha rasayana.
- Ashwagandharishtam.
- Ashwagandha churna.
- Bala ashwagandha lakshadi thailam.
- Trayodasanga guggulu.