Eranda / Castor
Botanical Name |
Ricinus Communis |
Family |
Euphorbiaceae |
Sanskrit |
Amanda, Chankuka, Citrabija, Gandharavahasthah, Eranda, Panchangula, Taruna, Vyadambaka |
English |
Castor Oil Plant |
Hindi |
Arend, Erand, Naudi |
Kannada |
Avudala, Haralu, Manda, Aralu |
Malayalam |
Amandam, Avanakka, Chittamanakku, Gandharvahastakam |
Telugu |
Amudamulu |
Tamil |
Amanakkam Ceti, Attagam, Kottai, Amanakku Ennai |
Marathi |
Erendi, Yarandicha |
Available in allover india. It can be cultivated in tropic areas
Parts Used |
Root, Leaf, Seed And Oil |
Dose |
Root 10 To 20 Grams, Seed 2 To 6 Parts, Oil 4 To 16 Ml |
Chemical Constituents
Ricinine, albumin, ricin, octacosanol, ricinine, gallic acid, lupeol, sodium, magnesium, chloride, nitrate, iron, aluminium, mnganese, calcium, rutin, ricinine, apigenin, cholorogenic, oleic, palmitic, ricinoleic, stearic.
Ayurvedic Properties
Quality (Guna) |
Snigdha, Tikshan, Sukshama |
Taste (Rasa) |
Madhura, Kashaya |
Metabolism (Vipaka) |
Madhura |
Potency (Virya) |
Ushna |
Impact (Prabhava) |
Vedanasthapana |
Pharmacological Action
- Antiinflammatory property of eranda is very effective in treating various forms of osteoarthritis
- Spasmolytic
- Spasmogenic property of eranda extracts are helpful in treating most of the painful conditions including muscular spasms. Hepatoprotective nature of eranda helps to find various infections
- Antifertility
- Purgative property of eranda in the form of medicine or oil helps as safe laxative
Therapeutic Uses
- Digests undigested food
- Urinary tract infection infections
- Analgesic
- Hair Tonic
- Various forms of arthritis
- Constipation
- Inflammatory conditions
Some of the common formulations
- Abhrak bhasma
- Balarishta
- Mashbaladi kvath churna.
- Vidaryadi kvath churna
- Eranadamula kvatha churna
- Gandharvahasthadi thailam