Increase your height naturally with yoga pose- Tadasana

Good height reflects an attractive personality. Today we will be telling you a yoga pose, which is meant to increase height naturally. It is Tadasana.

What is Tadasana?

Tadasana also called ‘Mountain pose’ is one of the simplest, and the basics of Yoga. It is like the base and start of all the asanas. It is a standing type of yoga pose, meant for numerous health benefits.

Steps to do Tadasana

The following are the given steps of Tadasana, which must be performed wisely and correctly to avoid any kind of injury or problem.

  1. Stand straight and breathe deeply, also raise both hands from the sides.
  2. As the hands are raised, so also the heels should be raised simultaneously.
  3. The body weight should be on the toes and, the body will be fully stretched upwards.
  4. Stay in this pose for a few seconds, then come back to the normal one.

Benefits of Tadasana:

  • The pose includes deep breathing which helps in the expansion of the lungs.
  • It is one of the best exercises, to increase height. A growing child must do this daily.
  • It develops and activates the nerves of the entire body.
  • It is very good to correct backache and other spinal deformities.

Contradictions for Tadasana:

  1. If you are having reeling sensations then you should not perform this.
  2. Those with low blood pressure should avoid it.
  3. If you are a beginner then lift your body as much as you can; by over-lifting, you may fall which can be injurious.

One should perform it under the strict supervision of a yoga trainer and instructor. Although, it is not difficult one should always follow precautionary measures so that they don’t harm you a bit.

This was the yoga pose Tadasana. If you can practice it, then must go for it.

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